The P.B.C.S. Study System P.B.C.S. stands for the Pakistan Bible Correspondence School, an organization that has been helping people in Pakistan for the past 50 years to research the Word of God. Our students study the Word of God through courses sent to them by post. When they complete a lesson, they send it back to us to be marked. Then we send them the next lesson. On the successful completion of each course a certificate is sent to the student. It is our pleasure to offer all of our courses free of charge. It is not necessary for a student to have a Bible before starting the courses. Each lesson comes complete with the Bible portion needed.
It is our pleasure to send a free Holy Injil and a copy of the film ‘Esa’ to those who request the first course. Please leave your details below to receive a free course by mail to study the Holy Torat, Holy Zaboor, and Holy Injil.
Comments or questions are welcome.